Noviembre 11, 2015
Autor: MCM Abogados
Como es de su posible conocimiento, el día de hoy fue presentada la Primera subasta del Mercado Eléctrico Mayorista (la “Subasta”) y el Funcionamiento de los Certificados de Energías Limpias (los “CEL/s”). A continuación el reporte de lo más destacado...
Octubre 16, 2015
Autor: Manuel Cervantes
The Federal Government recently announced Mexico's Five Year Plan for the Expansion of the National Integrated Transportation and Storage System of Natural Gas 2015 – 2019 (the "Plan"). Below is a summary of the most important aspects...
Mayo 19, 2015
Autor: Mariana Hernández
Last week the National Hydrocarbons Commission (Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos) (“CNH”) unanimously approved the authorization requested by MultiClient Geophysical ASA (“MCG”) to perform a surface recognition...
Noviembre 20, 2014
Autor: Manuel Cervantes
Please be informed that the Board of Directors of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) approved the corporate reorganization of the company, including the transformation of the current four subsidiaries into two subsidiary productive companies (“SPCs”)...
Mayo 19, 2015
Autor: Mariana Hernández
Last week the National Hydrocarbons Commission (Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos) (“CNH”) unanimously approved the authorization requested by MultiClient Geophysical ASA (“MCG”) to perform a surface recognition...